We are seeking to crowd-source claims to help ensure that travel providers respect these laws and to get a better outcome for our users than if they approached the travel provider on an individual basis. 
By submitting your claim to this site, you will enable us to approach your travel provider on your behalf.  We will aggregate all claims and use strength in numbers to try to obtain a fairer handling of your claim and a fairer settlement.
- Step 1
Please answer all questions on our form, and submit. We will assess your details, and query any points arising with you to finalise our understanding
- Step 2
We submit your claim after aggregating with similar claims in our processing operation - we achieve an offer of settlement and report this back for approval
- Step 3
We receive your settlment, notify you and get your acceptance, and after receipt of funds, then remit to you via PayPal after deducting our processing fee of 10% - the amount paid will be in full and final settlement of your claim.

Covid-19 Travels Claims

Your legal team for getting your costs repaid
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