Assisted Areas



The ASSISTED AREAS of Great Britain are based upon a map drawn up and agreed with the European Commission. The latest map has now been formally approved by the European Commission will run from 1st July 2014 until 31st December 2020.

Click to see searchable Area OS Map by BIS

State Aid Map 2014-20

The new European Union rules introduce some changes for how support can be offered to businesses. Here are the main changes as they relate to Wales:

  • maximum aid levels have reduced by 5% in the West Wales and the Valleys region (the category 'a' area on the map. This is also known as a 'Tier 1' area
  • for the East Wales region (the category 'c' areas on the map. These are also known as 'Tier 2' areas), aid to large enterprises (those with over 250 employees) is more limited
  • for East Wales, aid can only be offered for new investment or activity in an area, for a new product (diversification)
  • additional information and analysis of projects will be required in respect of enterprises seeking support.

Welsh Government Business Finance - offers discretionary financial support to eligible businesses in key business sectors and certain strategically important projects outside these. It helps fund capital investment, job creation, research, development & innovation and certain eligible revenue projects throughout Wales. 

Regional aid can be given to SMEs in ‘a’ and ‘c’ areas and to large companies in ‘a’ areas for investment in: a new establishment; expansion or diversification of existing establishments; or for fundamental changes in the processes carried out at an establishment.